We tackle tough FPGA-based projects by bringing multiple design and manufacturing disciplines under one roof: ours.
Want to hand over a block diagram and get back a full design?
We can do that.
Using a device with high-speed signals and high power dissipation?
We have the simulation tools and validation team to ensure success.
Need advanced packaging to fit within a small space?
Our in-house clean room is fitted with bare die processing equipment to give our designers unique options to shrink designs down to the size of a dime.
With design and manufacturing all at the same California location, our culture emphasizes collaboration, fast turnaround. Our design teams are able to see exactly how products are produced—that gives them an edge that simply doesn’t happen otherwise.
Jump to our FPGA Capabilities page for more on our design capabilities.
Today’s FPGAs are challenging devices to design for, with multiple external power/clocking/signal requirements. Even in a PCIe form factor, such as those made by our sister company BittWare, are complex.
But at ISI, we often shrink the capabilities of a PCIe card down to the size of a SoM and smaller—that’s where we earn our reputation as doing what others can’t: delivering quick-turn projects with very complex interconnect and assembly requirements, often with significant in-house design.
Our FPGA experience is deep with all the disciplines on the module/PCB design side you'd expect, but also deep FPGA-domain knowledge through BittWare that's unique.
Projects with larger FPGAs tend to have some of the latest high-speed interfaces. Today, that can mean 28G NRZ, 56/112 PAM4, and even higher speeds. These require care in the design process, including careful attention to signal integrity.
That’s where ISI and BittWare have the advantage of not only designing for these advanced interfaces but access to the tools and teams for today’s speeds. We also can tap the larger Molex organization with labs and tools as required for customer projects
A team of FPGA engineers at BittWare handle the supporting firmware for over a dozen current boards, most of which include a BMC and 56G serdes and higher interface speeds. That’s giving our customers, both BittWare and ISI, an experienced team who are used to making solid, reliable products for commercial and into the mil-aero markets.
This group has also produced numerous custom designs, including in-house utilities such as network packet generators. In short, we don’t just design boards with FPGAs—we’ve got extensive expertise in the firmware and applications side too.
The integration between software, including soft CPUs running on FPGAs, and the fabric, can be critical to get right. With over a dozen current FPGA COTS products, our teams support a library of tools and are able to collaborate on custom products too.
As performance grows, particularly with 400G, PCIe 5.0, and DDR5, the efforts required for proper simulation and verification have also grown.
Today we utilize advanced tools and have access to the global Molex team with deep experience in disciplines like RF and the latest advances in microelectronic signal design.
With BittWare, we cover from COTS PCIe to specialized microelectronics modules. If your project's got an FPGA, reach out to us and tap into our broad experience!
From a typical SoM to something much smaller, the size of a SiP, customers find value in our engineering experience.
These projects are where our deep collaborative approach, including offering all the disciplines required in-house, becomes an invaluable asset to tackle the toughest jobs.
BittWare focuses on COTS PCIe form factors with low to medium volumes and high-end FPGAs. This business gives ISI access to a rich ecosystem of FPGA firmware engineers and the related software and support that’s required for customers.
The majority of BittWare cards are also tested and manufactured at the ISI factory in California.
User customized, turnkey, embedded computing system instruments include an ultra-small form-factor, full-featured PC and supports a wide assortment of XMC or FMC cards. We’ve got experience building solutions for instrumentation, remote, autonomous IO, mobile instrumentation, and distributed data acquisition.
Today’s FPGAs can mix RF analog with digital, such as with AMD’s RFSoC devices. BittWare offers these with their RFX-8440 (manufactured by ISI), but customers often want these chips in smaller form factors.
Customers often approach us with an existing SoM they need smaller, and we deliver as a full-service quick-turn design shop. That may include schematic capture, innovative interconnect, or advanced 3D packaging. Because we have such a broad background of designers, capabilities, and projects, we give our customers performance comparisons that get them exactly where they want to be, whether it’s focused on size, speed, or cost.
Illustrated is a demonstration of an RFSoC device on a SoM, and how we might use a bare-die version of the chip and a new layout to reduce the module by more than 50%. Need something different? This is just an example of many such microelectronics module projects we’ve produced with FPGAs.
Deep collaboration is in our DNA. We’ve got the people & equipment, but’s how we collaborate & engage with you that makes the difference.
COLLABORATION Your engineering team working with ours as peers to solve a problem like shrinking a small board down to the size of a coin.
ENGAGEMENT Customers don't see us as just a contract manufacturer. Our value comes from our design engineering, like optimizing for cost or environmental conditions. Tap into our long history of successful projects by engaging with us early—and with your toughest challenges. We're ready!
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